There are a number of different signs which will indicate that it’s time to replace your internal doors. And when you do, there are a number of different things to consider. Internal doors are a major feature of your interior design because there are more of them than you think, and they are a dominant feature which take up a lot of room, hence they heavily influence the look and feel of your home.

So why might you need to replace your internal doors?

  • They are a pain to open and close – after a while your doors may warp or the closing mechanism can work loose, so it becomes hard work to open and close them, and this may also create an irritating noise each time. Inevitably this leads to you leaving them open or partially open, which sort of defeats the object of having a door at all.
  • They are damaged – years of extended use can lead to scuffs, scratches, dents and marks. This is just natural wear and tear but leads to them looking old and tired and in need of a makeover.
  • They are draughty – energy efficiency is a big deal in every home, so if you can feel a breeze blowing through your home even when all the doors are shut, it could be a sign that the doors are warped or not well insulated and you need to replace them.

Tips on how to replace your internal doors

So if you have decided to upgrade your internal doors to improve the visual appeal of your home and add value to it, then there are a few things you need to think about:

  1. DIY or professional? If you are decent DIY enthusiast you might think you can tackle installing internal doors yourself, but this isn’t an easy job. There is a lot of measuring and machining to ensure the doors are the right size, the doors are heavy and cumbersome to work with and you need all the right tools. If you are confident you can do all this then fitting internal doors yourself can save you a lot of money, but if you are less skilled as a DIY-er and you have the budget it might be worth getting a professional in.
  2. Consistency – In a traditional home it is important to choose the right style of period door so that you have a consistent design flow throughout your home. In this sense you need to look at period designs in a room, but also outside in a corridor. Do all your doors in a corridor match? Do the doors match architrave and skirting boards?
  3. Wood quality – A good quality wood makes all the difference to an internal door, so make sure you choose a hardwood or softwood because these are robust and longer-lasting. If you intend to paint your internal doors you should also ensure you get the right wood for the type of finish you wish to add, ie. paint or varnish.
  4. Plane it – Don’t put up with that annoying scraping sound on the carpet every time you open your doors, if the door length needs a few millimetres off it, take the time to remove the door and plane the bottom of it. It is worth a few more minutes’ work for the sake of getting the door right for the next few years.
  5. Get the finishing touches right – When you are looking to paint your internal doors it is worth spending a bit of time getting the little details right. So do you need to fill and sand the small holes in your door frame where nails have been banged in? Do you need to fill over old sections where the hinges of the previous door were? And when you are actually painting, don’t forget about painting the top edge of the door and the side edges too. You may not immediately see these, but you will notice it every day if you don’t paint them properly.

Quality internal period doors from Period Mouldings

If you are looking to upgrade and refresh your internal doors, then contact Period Mouldings today. You can choose from hand-made internal doors produced using traditional techniques and available in period designs such as Victorian, Georgian and Edwardian, so take a look at what we offer and very soon you can give your internal doors a much-deserved makeover.

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